Friday, April 16, 2021

How to get the best lash extension retention for both clients & techs.

Just like the Kardashians, you also must keep up with your lashes. πŸ˜‚

You have a full set, or a fresh fill and you’re in love. But how to keep your retention this way before your next fill appointment? 

As technicians, we try to do our best to give clients the lashes they want with the best retention. However, we may not be completely at fault for retention issues. Unfortunately, we're not magicians.πŸ˜‚ 

If you are a client currently getting eyelash extensions, here’s a couple ways of how you could expand the longevity of your lashes. 

Arrive to your appointment with a fresh face: 

Honestly the best piece of advice. If you want to have the best retention and adherence, arrive to your appointment with no make-up, product build up, or heavy eye creams or moisturizers.


Aftercare routine:

Especially for new clients, your technician should either give you an aftercare instruction card, or some form of aftercare instructions. Follow what is recommended. For example, on my cards: 

Avoid washing eyes, showering for the first 24 hours.

Avoid steam, sweating, saunas, etc. For the first 48 hours.

Avoid rubbing and pulling your lashes.

Avoid heat, ovens, barbecues, blow dryers, etc. Heat can distort extensions.

Avoid any oil based products around the eyes. 

Do not use an eyelash curler on your extensions.

Avoid oil based, waterproof, or fiber mascara‘s.

Make sure to clean your lashes. Make sure to clean with an oil free soap or make up remover. Lash bath is highly recommended.

Book a fill every 2 to 3 weeks, they fill in areas where your natural lashes have fallen out and a new lashes are growing in. This will keep your lash style as full as possible. 

Clean your lashes:

This is one of my top priorities that I reccomend to clients. It’s important that clients clean their lashes every day after the first initial 24 hour mark. It helps clean oil, debris, dead skin cells, make up, product, and any other build up. It also keeps your skin and your lashes healthy. This also avoids any eye conditions , problems, or infections such as blepharitis, or styes, etc. this will also keep your lash cycle as clean and clear as possible to help with your natural lash integrity/cycle. 

Bella Lash Intelliseal & Natural Touch 


Depending on your technician, sealer’s may be a solution, especially in between fills. Sealers, almost act as a mascara but is more of a liquid base. Depending on the brand, they can come in both clear and black. The solution will coat evenly over the lashes, and will help protect your lash extension bonds from oil, humidity, etc. This can help give clients the best retention, and to help protect their investment.


Between the black or the clear sealer, I typically like to recommend the black. Unless you have other colored lashes. The black helps blend in natural lashes with extensions, makes everything darker and blend in better. 

Daily activities: (sweating, saunas, spas, swimming, etc.) 

Though eyelash extensions are waterproof, the idea of daily activities such as, crying, sweating, hot yoga/cycle, etc., saunas, jacuzzis, swimming, sleeping hard on face/side, etc. can affect the lash extensions bonds. Some clients may not have this issue, but some some that can't explain why the lashes don't hold, these activities could definitely be the culprit.

Be aware of you cycle:

The human body is a mystery. Every clients bodies do different things and react differently. The same goes for clients & lash cycles. If you’re unsure of how fast your cycle is, I always recommend after a full set or a fill that clients take a photo. And after one week take another photo, and two weeks take another photo. Some clients wait to 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to take another photo. That way clients can monitor their cycles and when they are due for a fill and to observe how fast it is.

 Some clients/cycles are faster than others. Something to also consider, if you’ve ruled out everything in this entire post, sometimes lash cycles can go faster with lash growth serums, biotin, probiotics, certain certain, prenatals, medications, etc. 

For techs:

*Make sure to clean and primer the lashes at the beginning of your service. After applying either, make sure to thoroughly dry the lashes. If needed, wait 2 to 3 minutes before applying lashes/adhesive. 

*Primer is a must especially if your client has oily skin. 

*For the best retention, make sure your adhesive is up to date (not old), mixed/shake well. 

*And lastly, use a bonder. Make sure to allow 3 minutes between drying the lashes before applying at the end. If you don't have a bonder, try a sealer as a alternative. 

*Check your humidity and temp. levels that are recommended with each adhesive if you have any adhesive errors occurring. 

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