Thursday, November 18, 2021

⚠️Why warning labels should be on lash adhesives 🔥🤯😳

A similar argument could be made of why only licensed professionals should be able to do eyelash extensions. (But we won't go down that rabbit hole today...) 

Why should warning labels be on adhesive bottles, and why?


Within the last year I have seen and read some crazy stories on lash forums talking about lash adhesives. The most shocking? how flammable adhesived can be! I’m not sure why this isn’t discussed more, or why it’s not taught as part of lash curriculums in some lash trainings. 

Most if not all eyelash extension adheisves on the markert has a main or sister ingredient of “Cyanoacrylate.” Cyanoacrylate adhesives are known to have an exothermic reaction with cotton, wool & leather. Both uncured adhesives and it’s fumes are flammable. Some techs have reported even chemical burns. 🤯😳 That’s right, this means when cyanoacrylate glues are combined with such things, the reaction creates heat, smoke and even spontaneous combustion. Once the adhesive is cured and the fumes have evaporated, it is no longer flammable. 

So, what can we do to avoid this?

There’s a few things.

  1. Toss the q-tips. Swap them out for microfiber wands (lip wands.) 
  2. Toss all cotton materials. 
  3. Make sure to have no candle or open flame. 
  4. To help cure your adheisve faster, make sure your atmosphere is compatible with your adhesives. That included temperature and humidity. Invest in a humidier or dehumidifier depending on what the adhesive reccomends. Make sure your temperature is also up to adhesive standards/reccomendations.
  5. To help cure your adhesive after your service, apply a adhesive accelerator or nano mist the lashes. Make sure to apply the last 3-5 minutes after drying or follow the manufacturers directions.
  6. Make sure lashes are thoroughly cleaned before any lash application services. 
  7. Have lash tiles, trays, and work station away from fabric settings or have a placemat or sterile workstation, such as a metal rolling tray, etc. 
  8. What I personally reccomend is a second fan. Far enough away that it’s not jeopardizing the service integrity and adhesion, but helping dry and lush any fumes away from both the client and techs faces. I believe it helps kill 2 birds with one stone. And better than “fume catchers.” 

Hopefully these are a few simple steps both techs can take and clients can be aware of to ensure to avoid these scenarios.

Any questions? Comments? Leave me a comment below! :)

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